Thursday, March 6, 2014

Who knew the impact of clothing?

We all struggle to recycle as much as we can, or try to share a ride with a friend when it is convenient in an effort to show that we put the environment first. Yet, it's interesting to think that we never even consider the impact that our clothing has on the environment. According to the World Bank, the textile industry is responsible for 20 percent of industrial pollution. Due to this it has been one company's mission to minimize the harm done in clothing production while improving the lives of workers involved.

Henry Schwab, and his wife Kate Fisher are the owners of a company called Synergy Clothing, which is a company all about sustainable alternatives. Not only do they the believe in treating employees fairly, but they also believe that they can have a positive impact on the environment. They pay above minimum wage and also ensure that everyone involved within the company, regardless of where it may be, should have safe working conditions. The company strives to improve sustainability on already popularized textiles such as cotton and silk, but they also try to incorporate new uses of seaweed and hemp. Schwab believes that these new ingredients could produce thousands of new blends, but currently they have only been promoted by those that are willing to invest the resources in promotion and funding. He believes that larger companies need to invest first in order to bring down prices and increase availability for the smaller manufacturers. By doing so, it will make it easier for these manufacturers and become more affordable for consumers to purchase these sustainable options.

Article Source: Triple Pundit

1 comment:

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